Top Tips for Hotels and Restaurants on Newsletter EDM Design
When you’re promoting your hotel or restaurant, there’s a whole range of different marketing approaches to choose from. One of the most effective tools is Electronic Direct Marketing (EDM), and chances are that it’s already part of your marketing strategy. If your hotel or restaurant has an email newsletter, then you’re using EDM to reach your potential customers.
When it’s done well, your newsletter’s design can make a serious difference to the success of your marketing campaign. An appealing, accessible newsletter can persuade readers to click through to your site, contact you directly, book a room, visit in person, and attend events. It can prompt them to check out your new seasonal menu or even to book a room. EDM design is a very powerful tool!
As a seasoned designer based near London and with plenty of experience in EDM, there are lots of ways I can help market your brand. Read on to find out how you can design a newsletter that will really impress your customers, turning your hotel or restaurant into a meaningful, sought-after brand.
Let’s talk basics
Layout is crucial when designing a newsletter. Without a strong layout, things get messy, and it’s hard for the customer to pick out the important information they need to digest first. Typography and image need to work seamlessly together to draw attention to the crucial points.
The first thing the visitor will see is the headline and image at the top of the newsletter. This first impression will prompt them to read on or press delete, so it’s important to act strategically. Ask yourself: what’s the one thing I want my customer to know? This is the hero message – a clear and concise statement that communicates your brand’s purpose and values. Together with a striking, well-chosen headline image, the hero message will hook in your visitor and make them want to know more.
Moving on to the body of the newsletter, the key in terms of design is to be clear on messaging, using well-chosen impactful imagery. Individual sections should be purposeful and defined. Whether it’s advertising an upcoming event, spotlighting a particular artist, featuring an interview or showcasing new artworks, each section should be clear in what it’s promoting. Headings, subheadings and body copy should be well-written and easy to understand.
Let’s not forget the call to action! A strong call to action will help to convert your newsletter’s readers into customers. While old standards like ‘Shop now’ or ‘Book here’ can work fine – and any call to action is better than none at all – this is a great opportunity to get creative and mix things up. The ultimate aim is to get your visitor to interact with you without getting too pushy or spammy, so think about a human, personal approach that’s aligned with your brand values. From a design perspective, think about your highlight colour, design cues and structure to draw the reader’s eye and maximise click-throughs.
It’s a popular misconception that writing a newsletter requires you to have a lot to say. Promoting just one thing, such as an upcoming event or even just to remind your customers what they are missing out on, can be enough reason to contact your mailing list. To make your EDM process more efficient, consider designing two customer email templates with different layouts that work together in design: one shorter, one longer with more sections. This way, you won’t have to keep adapting your layout.
Reflect your hotel and restaurants, brand and space
Your newsletter design is a great way to give your visitors a taste of the hotel or restaurant experience, bringing that in-person feeling online. The layout, colour scheme and font should reflect the hotel or restaurant’s branding, essence, location and overall concept. Check out my designs for The Jesse and Estella Tacos y Mezcal in Reno, Nevada, to see how an online experience can mirror a physical space.
Above all, clarity is key. A crowded layout with a mass of information and competing calls to action will only confuse your customers, and make them less likely to click through to your website. Instead, keep to the grid and use clean and simple design elements to tell your visitors what they need to know – and encourage them to make contact.
I hope these tips are useful, and that you’ll incorporate them into your strategy to drive your results further. If you would like my help with your EDM design and want me to share further expertise, just send me a message and we can talk about your needs.
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